I'm here in sunny Surbiton, stuffing the remain Primark bargains (yeah well no-one's heard of Primark in Turkey so you can tell them it's like Armani, Primarni if you will) into my already swollen suitcase. On Monday I head back to Turkey and settle in for the winter.
My god, it's been an amazing few weeks. America was something to behold. I know I didn't update but after driving a few hundred miles every day, the last thing you want to do is crank open the laptop. I promise to write up the whole trip and there are some special moments to share. Although not completely ArseAboutFez related, it'll be worth a read (photographic taster below).

So please sit tight as I say my farewells and board the BA to Izmir. I'm coming home people...
cant wait to hear about your adventures in america !!!
Debby xx
Yes, in the US there are women with huge gazongas washing cars on every street corner. ;) I'm glad you had a great time!
Car wash? What car wash? I couldn't see any cars.
Its ages since your last post- cant wait to hear your news
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